
Kaips's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 1,416 (From 215 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 20,820 Points


Medals Earned: 1/10 (5/270 points)

Look mommy, I'm death! 5 Points

Fail to get at least 1.000 points

10k 5 Points

Get a score of 10.000

5k 5 Points

Get a score of 5.000

Critical Hit 10 Points

Critically hit the Knight

Double Kill 10 Points

Get a double kill

Trials 25 Points

Complete all the trials

Lethe player 50 Points

be l33t and score over 50k

Triple kill 50 Points

Get a triple kill, pretty hard.

The black plague 100 Points

Kill 10 knights in one run

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Need Water!

Medals Earned: 7/9 (155/355 points)

Boom! 5 Points

First destruction

Wow! I am rich! 5 Points

First collected diamond

Indeed! 10 Points

Complete training

Oilman 10 Points

Produce oil

Bronze Medal 25 Points

Collect more than half of the diamonds

Fly! 50 Points

Complete level #10

Silver Medal 50 Points

Complete all levels

Gold Medal 100 Points

Collect all diamonds

Jeez! 100 Points

Blow up all stones


Medals Earned: 4/8 (45/230 points)

RankSurvivor 5 Points

Complete the game

Stage1 5 Points

Complete the easy round

Stage2 10 Points

Complete the medium round

Stage3 25 Points

Complete the hard round

RankBronze 10 Points

Finish in under 300 seconds

RankSilver 25 Points

Finish in under 250 seconds

RankGold 50 Points

Finish in under 200 seconds

RankNinja 100 Points

Finish in under 150 seconds


Medals Earned: 4/54 (20/495 points)

Evolution 5 Points

Evolve first time.

First Blood 5 Points

Kill 1 enemy with normal attack.

Newbie Guide 5 Points

Read all tutorials.

Quick Evolution 5 Points

Evolve first time before level 6.

Accelerator Frenzy 5 Points

Pass any level with more than 5 Accelerators.

Advanced Evolution 5 Points

Evolve second time.

Are You Serious? 5 Points

Game over in level 1.

Are You Sleeping? 5 Points

The creature dies over 10 times in any level.

Blood Pool Frenzy 5 Points

Pass any level with more than 5 Blood Pools.

Crying 5 Points

Stay in front of the game over screen for 30 seconds.

Delicious 5 Points

Boss I eaten.

Devour Tower Frenzy 5 Points

Pass any level with more than 10 Devour Towers.

Dragon Unlocked 5 Points

Finish story with Dragons.

Feedback 5 Points

Feedback appreciated.

Flame Tower Frenzy 5 Points

Pass any level with more than 10 Flame Towers.

Glaive Tower Frenzy 5 Points

Pass any level with more than 10 Glaive Towers.

Got Killed 5 Points

The creature dies.

I Love Second Grades 5 Points

Pass challenge level with creature evolved only once.

Ice Tower Frenzy 5 Points

Pass any level with more than 10 Ice Towers.

Landmine Frenzy 5 Points

Pass any level with more than 5 Landmines.

Level 30 Survived 5 Points

Survive 30 levels in endless mode.

Low Health 5 Points

Pass level with 10 base HP or lower in endless or story.

Missile Tower Frenzy 5 Points

Pass any level with more than 5 Missile Towers.

Pulse Tower Frenzy 5 Points

Pass any level with more than 10 Pulse Towers.

Puppet Unlocked 5 Points

Finish story with Puppets.

Quick Advanced Evolution 5 Points

Evolve second time before level 13.

Spirit Unlocked 5 Points

Finish story with Spirits.

Story Finished 5 Points

Story levels Finished.

Stun Tower Frenzy 5 Points

Pass any level with more than 10 Stun Towers.

Tastes Like Shit 5 Points

Boss II eaten.

Tower Merchant 5 Points

Sell more than 10 towers.

Ultima Killed 5 Points

Finish Ultima boss.

Undead Unlocked 5 Points

Finish story with Undeads.

Visit Us 5 Points

Visit our website. Just click our logo!

Bosses Cleared 10 Points

Finish all bosses.

Chakra Killed 10 Points

Finish Chakra boss.

Chronos Killed 10 Points

Finish Chronos boss.

Combat Master 10 Points

Finish story levels without building towers.

Conditioned Finished 10 Points

Finish all conditioned levels.

Extreme Finished 10 Points

Finish all extreme levels.

Funny Finished 10 Points

Finish all funny levels.

Fury Attack 10 Points

Reach max attack speed.

Hard Mode Finished 10 Points

Finish story levels with hard mode.

Never Upgraded 10 Points

Finish story mode without upgrading Base.

Pinocchio Killed 10 Points

Finish Pinocchio boss.

Scarface Killed 10 Points

Finish Scarface boss.

ShadowKiller Killed 10 Points

Finish ShadowKiller boss.

Strategic Finished 10 Points

Finish all strategic levels.

Striker Killed 10 Points

Finish Striker boss.

110 Stars Received 25 Points

Received 110 achievement stars.

75 Stars Received 25 Points

Received 75 achievement stars.

All Creatures Unlocked 25 Points

Finish story with all species.

Level 45 Survived 50 Points

Survive 45 levels in endless mode.

Ultimate 50 Points

All other achievements finished.

Nyan cat my hero

Medals Earned: 1/6 (25/380 points)

warm up 25 Points

win the first phase

like us 5 Points

become developer fans

serious battle 50 Points

win the second pahse

revealed 100 Points

reveal Jong Un real identity

victory 100 Points

beat the game

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

nyan cat my hero 2

Medals Earned: 2/8 (30/480 points)

pedobear death 5 Points

kill pedobear

philosoraptor death 25 Points

kill philosoraptor

ichigosaurus death 50 Points

kill ichigosaurus

victory 50 Points

beat the game

insane victory 100 Points

win the game in the insane level!!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

One Button Bob

Medals Earned: 6/8 (165/315 points)

First Kill 5 Points

Boomerang the bat on the first screen.

Stage 1 10 Points

Complete the easy round.

Bronze 25 Points

Finish with under 400 clicks.

Stage 2 25 Points

Complete the medium round.

Buttkicker 50 Points

Kill the boss.

Stage 3 50 Points

Complete the hard round.

Silver 50 Points

Finish with under 300 clicks.

Gold 100 Points

Finish with under 200 clicks.


Medals Earned: 4/15 (125/500 points)

Crab Crusher 25 Points

Defeat 25 Crabs.

Jelly Scavenger 25 Points

Collect 25% of Jellyfish.

Shifter Defeated 25 Points

Defeat Shifter (Crab Coast Boss).

Sphero Smasher 50 Points

Destroy 2 Spheros simultaneously.

Bug Basher 25 Points

Defeat 30 Bite Bugs.

Hopper Harasser 25 Points

Defeat 20 Hoppers.

Jellatos Defeated 25 Points

Defeat Jellatos (Floating Garden Boss).

Jelly Collector 25 Points

Collect 50% of Jellyfish.

Jelly Hoarder 25 Points

Collect 75% of Jellyfish.

Jelly Master 25 Points

Collect 100% of Jellyfish.

Ray Reaper 25 Points

Defeat 10 Rays.

Spindle Defeated 25 Points

Defeat Spindle (Wizard Tower Boss).

Spindling Splatter 25 Points

Defeat 20 Spindlings.

Zelo Defeated 50 Points

Defeat Zelo (Triacontakaidigon Palace Boss).

Fury Zelo Defeated 100 Points

Defeat Fury Zelo (Final Boss).

Outpost Overrun

Medals Earned: 3/14 (15/500 points)

Bomberman 5 Points

Launch 1 Megabomb

First Blood 5 Points

Kill 1 Enemy

Level Rookie 5 Points

Achieve Level 5

Golden Job 5 Points

Have at least 5000 Gold at once

1000 Kills 10 Points

Kill 1000 Enemies

Frag Master 10 Points

Launch 10 Megabombs

Level Ten 10 Points

Achieve Level 10

Missile Master 25 Points

Buy Your Missile

Splatter Freak 25 Points

Launch 20 Megabombs

50 Club 50 Points

Achieve Level 50

5000 Dead 50 Points

Kill 5000 Enemies

10000 Gone 100 Points

Kill 10000 Enemies

Power Gun 100 Points

Upgrade your weapon's primary power to maximum

Top of the World 100 Points

Achieve Level 100

Paper Warfare

Medals Earned: 1/11 (10/395 points)

Airman Basic 10 Points

Finished Level 1

Airman 10 Points

Finished Level 2

Airman First Class 25 Points

Finished level 3 and Defeated Boss 1.

Master Sergeant 25 Points

Finished Level 7

Senior Airman 25 Points

Finished Level 4

Staff Sergeant 25 Points

Finished Level 5

Technical Sergeant 25 Points

Finished Level 6 and Defeated Boss 2.

Captain 50 Points

Finished Level 10 and Defeated Boss 3.

Chief Master Sergeant 50 Points

Finished Level 9

Senior Master Sergeant 50 Points

Finished Level 8

Major 100 Points

Completed the game.